Orders & Payments
Orders & Payments
Here you'll find all the essential information to effortlessly complete your purchase. From placing an order to choosing your preferred payment method, we're here to ensure a seamless and secure shopping experience. Dive in to learn more about our payment options, order tracking, and policies.

Orders can only be made on the website. We do not process orders made in emails, letters or faxes. An order placed on a public holiday or during the weekend will be processed on the following business day.
We can only process your order if the delivery address is a residential address or a business address in one of the countries on the “We deliver to” list. Among other things, we reserve the right to cancel the contract of purchase in one of the following situations, without being liable for compensation or other costs:
- Your payment details are incorrect or cannot be verified.
- Your order is placed with the purpose of committing fraud etc. or placed in connection with a criminal offense or other unlawful activities.
- There is an inadvertent error on the website, such as a payment error or the like.
If you do not understand parts of the Terms of Service, we recommend that you contact Customer Service before you make a purchase on the website.

Delivery Terms
Orders will be delivered to the delivery address specified in the order or a self-pickup near the specified address. We only deliver to residential and business addresses. Your goods will be delivered Monday to Friday. The time of delivery depends on the country in which the delivery takes place and the carrier used.
If you order for your home adress, the carrier will make one delivery attempt. The carrier will leave a receipt, which informs you about the details of the next delivery attempt and the possibility of a self-pickup. The carrier will usually keep the goods up to 7 days before returning them to us as undelivered. If the package appears to be damaged you should refuse to receive the goods. If you wish to complain about any lack of conformity, you are required to give notice to us.

We accept the following means of payment: Mastercard, VISA, Maestro, American Express, MobilePay, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Our website is PCI certified, which enhances the data security of payment solutions. PCI authorization is obtained after a certified it-auditor has controlled and approved the internal as well as the external security based on a comprehensive checklist. The checklist includes more than 200 points and touches upon all aspects of it-security based on the following main areas:
- General network security
- Protection of contact information
- System security and access control
- Continuous monitoring and test of network
Your payment will be charged to the means of payment you have selected when your goods leave our warehouse for delivery.